Wednesday, August 26, 2009

And paradise never felt so much like real life...

The price shock has become the most overwhelming thing ever. Overall I think my lack of job is what is contributing the most to my problems.
So I thought I had more time to write but alas I have more homework to get done :(

I'll find time to write later lol

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

I not late, I on Hawaiian time

Where do I even begin, I'm in a place so new to me at times I must remind myself I'm still in the United States, languages appear around me, people look and speak differently, not just with accents, but the way the say their sentences or the languages in which they use to convey a message.

I left Monday August 17th, from SeaTac airport, said goodbye to my parents and finally realized just how alone I was. Luckily on the plane I met a incoming freshman from Ballard who was the same as me, going to a new place and not knowing anyone there.
Getting off the plane was quite the challenge. With me I had 2 carry ons, and 3 suitcases, one of which weighs 66lbs. Now I know I'm pretty small... so it must have been pretty amusing watching me push a cart full of these bags. Luckily in traditional hawaiian spirit I was easily helped out and shown where I could get a shuttle to take me to my hotel. I absolutely love people in Hawaii they are so incredibly nice and kinda and are always willing to help you out whenever you need it! So my first night alone was pretty intense, kinda really sunk in I was alone and had no one there really at all to help me and yet at the same time pinching myself cause i really couldn't believe that I was in Hawaii. The smell the sounds, the heat, the humidity, the energy the city gave out was really all so much and it was all so good. I spent my first night in my room, I traveled across the street to an ABC store (which are these tourists convenience stores where they like to jack up the prices) and then watched tv till I fell asleep since really it is not safe at all for me to venture to far by myself at night.

Was full of school stuff from academic advising to getting my id to setting up my meal plan and opening a bank account, can you believe there is NO Bank of America here! That is just ridiculous if you ask me! Started to realize how muych food was and how little I was going to eat for the first week will I was able to move into my place and buy groceries. I lived off of Subway for the most part! I did explore Waikiki in the afternoon which really seemed to brighten my spirits. Wandered around on the beach, swam in the warm ocean and got my parents to pay for my dinner at Lulu's Surf Club while watching the surfers :] I love waikiki it's so gorgeous!

I had Orientation all day. Learned some local hangout spots, met some students, went on tours. Noting really all that exciting. The campus is beautiful by the way. So much tropical life that jsut seems to grow around the  buildings and everything is so open. Birds fly right into campus center i love it! The palm trees you just have to love :] it's jsut so amazing, I'm so glad not to be at Western, I miss the people bu the campus here is much more breathtaking. Anyways though, I made a friend and we discovered we can play beach volleyball for free on the beach :] So we did that omg it was so much fun. Jumped in the waves, got run over by a body boarder,  laid on the beach and watched the surfers, I mean what more could you ask for!
Thursday we did more Orientation and then I had to go off an find a bank I could withdraw money out of so I could afford food for a couple of weeks, I also went to walmart to purchase my bedding and towels and basic living essentials I would need my first night in my apartment
Friday I moved in, now that was an experience. First they gave me a taxi that was a limo, very common in this area and they cost about the same as a normal one. Then they realized it wouldn't make it to my apartment so they got me a van instead with the most in capable driver ever! He barely spoke english let alone understand how he was supposed to get to my apartment... I could have driven myself there... to bad I'm not old enough to rent a car haha. But I moved in then Sarah and I went exploring and went to Ala Moana beach and went swimming. It was so pretty, very teal water and not realy any waves. Also less tourists which is nice. Then we went and got Menchies! OMG SO GOOD! it's frozen yogurt and then you have a million toppings you can put on and fresh fruit as well... just so good :] Everyone should go there when they come and visit :] Met my roommate in the evening! She is super nice :] I love her, we get along really well which is defiantely an improvement from last year ><
So funny enough, my roomie is dating air force, and another one is dating Navy... I just find it really funny lol So Austyn flew in late so she gets here introduces herself and tehn goes out and cracks open the wine, so we drink wine, talk and meet some of their friends unil 2am in which we all decide we are about to pass out from exhaustion. Overall a great night!
Saturday Alex moved in, and you would think Hawaii would have real leis everyone! turns out they don't, only in the afternoon and stuff. So a fake one for Alex had to do, so he was able to get Lei'd in hawaii haha :P We then went back to my place, got my roomie and all went shopping at Walmart and then exploring the beach and Waikiki a little bit :]
Sunday was another day spent at the beach and looking for jobs. The price shock really is incredible because everything really is so expensive. So I defiantly need to get myself a job and start working and making some money so I can afford food and clothes and school stuff! They seriously jsut keep adding onto the price of things and the things you need to buy ><
Monday was my first day of classes. All my professors are reallly chill and realy tan.. it jsut isn't fair haha. One day I will be tan and cool like them! I'm getting there though Alex said he could tell I was getting some color on me :] but ya went down to Waikiki played volleyball with Sarah cause sadly she is moving back home today, some people really can't take the isolation you feel out here i guess. But ya, hung out with Alex met his roommate and then went grocery shopping at Star Market :D so proud of myself and all the things I bought, just need to get more soon haha. Came back and just chilled in my room which was pretty nice :]
Today was good though went to classes, wandered classes between them and am now  enjoying a pb&j sandwich before doing some spanish and going out tonight with some people :]